The oldest national park in Norway, and probably one of the most beautiful.
Rondane National Park consists of numerous beautifully rounded peaks as well as mountain lakes, colourful flora and abundant wildlife. Rondeslottet (the Ronde Castle) at 2178 metres is the highest peak and forms a midway point of one of the best 2-3 day hikes in the park. Rondane National Park is also an excellent place to go skiing in winter with a number of prepared trails and cosy serviced lodges.
Rondane offers many fine summit trips. With Rondvassbu as a base, you can take day hikes to many 2000 metre peaks. Moreover, Ronvassbu is a natural overnight stop on a round tour through Rondane.
Facilities: The lodge has 128 bunks, in two-bunk and four-bunk rooms and a dormitory. All bunks have duvets and pillows with covers. Please use your own hut sack. You can also put the duvet aside and sleep in your own sleeping bag. Hut sacks and bedclothes also are available for rent at the reception desk.
In the main building, there's hot and cold water, and the lodge has a diesel generator (220vVAC). Nonetheless, it's wise to have a torch in your pack, because the generator is turned off around 23.00 in the evening. Privies, showers and a drying room are located in a separate building.
Ronvassbu has a serving licence for beer and wine.
Seasons: Rondvassbu is staffed from the first weekend in march to atfter easter and in summer. In the off season during the rest of the year, it offers self-service lodging with 26 bunks, available by using the DNT cabin key. NOTE: Each year, both the staffed lodge and the self-service quarters are closed from 1 May to 10 June, the wild reindeer calving season.
Extended stays of two days or more at midweek may be booked directly at the lodge in season In off season, contact the hosts to book stays. The lodge sometimes is overbooked. Nonetheless, all who arrive will have a place to sleep.