Post Christmas & New Year's Eve
Shortly after the Christmas celebrations in Lapland comes the magical New Year’s period. Life is a little calmer and the crowds have departed, however, the Arctic festivity remains. From action-packed itineraries to wellness retreats, New Years in Lapland is certainly a party to remember.
Join us and enjoy your New Year’s Eve dancing the night away to live music in a picturesque setting in Arctic Lapland. Hear laughter vibrating from the resorts and indulge with champagne toasts followed by fireworks honouring the countdown.
Why not spend the night in luxury having dined exclusively with Nordic cuisine? Or choose to relax in the wilderness after dipping in the snow and sauna before the clock strikes midnight? Browse through our independent post-Christmas packages specially designed for you to get the most out of your New Years in the Nordics.
See our NEW pdf booklet with all our Christmas tours summarised here.