The area of Lapland spans across the top of Scandinavia and Finland.
The area of Lapland spans across the top of Scandinavia and Finland and is referred to as the area inhabited by the Sami people. The predominant part of Lapland is found within the Arctic Circle (66°north) and consists of deep valleys, fjords and glaciers in the west to large rivers and tundra in the east. The Sami people are the minority indigenous people of Norway, Sweden and Finland and are predominantly nomadic reindeer herders living in traditional tents called 'lavvu'.
Most famous is probably Santa Claus who hails from Rovaniemi in Finnish Lapland, and the Finns have, of course, made a great spectacle about it. Visiting Finnish Lapland in winter is a highlight with winter activities like reindeer & dog sledding, snowshoeing and snowmobile safaris. The winter landscape can be spectacular with snow clad roof and pine trees all around.