Summer Holiday in Stockholm
Plan your holiday to Stockholm around some of the incredible events that take place each summer.
Everybody’s talking about Scandinavia right now - especially Sweden. If you want to discover what all the fuss is about, summer is the time do it!
There are lots of events going on this summer in Stockholm – see below for a few 50 Degrees North favorite summer events and festivals in the month of June.
What: A Taste of Stockholm
When: June
If you are a keen foodie and into Scandinavian food, then this is THE event for you. Kungsträdgården, or ”King’s Garden”, is transformed into a culinary marketplace awaking all sensations. Around 25 of Stockholm’s most exciting restaurants serve everything from the most traditional Swedish dishes to exotic creations from other parts of the world.
What: Nationaldag – Sweden National Day
When: 6 June
Sweden's National Day celebrates Gustav Vasa's election as King of Sweden on 6 June 1523 and the implementation of a new constitution on the same date in 1809.
The main celebrations will take place at Skansen, which is the world’s oldest open-air museum. The day is celebrated with flag waving and music throughout the capital and later in the day everyone will go to Skansen and continue the festivities in the presence of the Royal Family with more speeches, songs and music.
What: Skärgårdsbåtens Dag (Archipelago Boat Day)
When: June
If travelling on one of Stockholm's old-fashioned steamboats Stockholm's old-fashioned steamboats appeals, there's no better day to do it than Archipelago Boat Day. A parade of steam-driven vessels make their way from Strömkajen to Vaxholm in the early evening. The boats arrive in Vaxholm and are greeted by live music and an outdoor market; visitors have a couple of hours to explore Vaxholm before returning to Stockholm at 9:30pm.
What: Midsommarafton - Swedish Midsummer Eve
When: 19 June
Midsummer Eve is the highlight of the summer festivals in Sweden and most Swedes flock to summer cottages and Stockholmers set sail for quiet coves in the archipelago to commemorate with friends and family indulging in pickled herrings and potatoes, which is washed down with large quantities of schnapps and beer.
There are heaps more going on in Stockholm with many concerts at the amusement park Gröna Lund, so be sure to look into what is going on when you visit this summer.
July is not as eventful as most Swedes are on holiday and usually leave the city. Gröna Lund will still have concerts and there is also the Stockholm Street Festival in the beginning of July and Stockholm Pride kicks off at the end of July.
See our new range of short tours to Stockholm here.
Images credit thanks to Visit Sweden, Ole Ericson, Carolina Romare & Henrik Trygg.