
Finse is the highest point on the train line between Oslo and Bergen.

Finse is the highest point on the train line between Oslo and Bergen, which is right in the centre of the amazing Hardangervidda (Hardanger Mountain Plateau) and adjoining Skarveheimen. Finse lies a 1222 meters, which is also adorning the brand of the local mountain lodge Finse 1222.

Finse is the ultimate vantage point for short and long mountain treks in the midst of a true Norwegian mecca for trekkers. The view from the dining room at Finse 1222 is superb with the backdrop of the enormous Hardanger glacier in the distance.

Finse is also the starting point for the famous Rallarvegen cycle trail, which follows the train line all the way to Myrdal and Flåm and the fjords of western Norway.

See our Norway tours that visit Finse below:

Tour Standard
Experience the Northern Lights

Experience the Northern Lights

15 days - Escorted Small Group tour to Norway and Finland with northbound Norwegian Coastal Voyage

  • Norway
  • Finland
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Mountains, Fjords & Norwegian Coastal Voyage

13 days - Classic Norway in a Nutshell® tour, Oslo and Norwegian Coastal voyage through Norway.

  • Norway
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Norway in a Nutshell® in Winter

5 days - Independent with cosy historic hotels and winter adventures

  • Norway
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Vidar Moløkken - Visit Norway

Norway in a Nutshell® with Cycling

5 days - An active twist on the classic - CYCLE THIS ROAD!

  • Norway
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Kviknes Hotel Norway

Norway's Classic Fjords

6 days - All the fjord favourites in one tour; Kviknes Hotel, Norway in a Nutshell® and Bergen.

  • Norway
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Marius Beck Dahle

Norwegian Coastal Voyage & Nordic Capitals

23 days - Independent cruise and tour of Scandinavia's coast and capitals.

  • Sweden
  • Denmark
  • Norway
  • Finland
  • Estonia
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Norwegian Fjords Hike & Bike

10 days - Let Norway live up to your expectations on this active adventure...

  • Norway
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Træna, Terje Rakke Nordic Life - www.nordnorge

Oslo, Bergen and Svalbard Express

14 days - Visit Oslo, Norway in a Nutshell, Bergen then voyage to Svalbard

  • Norway
  • Svalbard
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Tommy Simonsen

Oslo, North Cape Express and Tromsø

13 days - Visit Oslo, Norway in a Nutshell, Bergen then voyage to Tromsø

  • Norway
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Director's Choice
Design choice
Historic choice
C.H, Visit Norway
Fishing in Norway