Supplier Code of Conduct
Sustainability is a core value at 50 Degrees North and we strive to conduct our operations in as responsible and sustainable a manner as possible. However, in order to succeed and build on these principles, we rely on co-operation from our valued business partners.
This Code of Conduct has been created to provide the guidelines and minimum standards that 50 Degrees North expects its partners to apply, and we request that they ask their own partners to uphold these same standards.
We recognise that sustainability is a journey for us all, so we are committed to working with our partners to learn and grow together. We encourage an open dialogue on these principles and encourage you to feed back to us with any concerns or questions. We look forward to working together to build a better future for all.
Thank you,
50 Degrees North
50 Degrees North Sustainability Code of Conduct
Legal Compliance
- The Supplier should hold all required permits and licences in the country, state, region and/or province where the Supplier is located, and comply with all valid laws, regulations and other relevant statutory requirements whichever requirements are more stringent.
Social Welfare and Human Rights
Uphold human rights, employee welfare and economic and social equity by providing a safe and hygienic working environment, ensuring fair labour conditions for its employees and providing equal opportunities free from discrimination.
Respect and safeguard the rights and welfare of children and follow the Child Protection Code against sexual exploitation of children. The business does not contract directly or indirectly accommodations which are involved in compulsory labour, or which employ children to complete work which is normally undertaken by adults. There are special working times and conditions for children (< 14 years) working within the business, in accordance with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and/or the ILO convention 138.
Community Engagement, Cultural Heritage and Local Sourcing
Where possible, we encourage the purchasing of locally produced goods and services, and those produced on fair trade and sustainability principles.
Where possible, hire locally to ensure socio- economic benefit and sustainability for local communities.
Guides should be certified or skilled, especially in sensitive areas such as heritage or cultural sites and those of which are ecologically vulnerable.
Demonstrate in-depth knowledge of relevant sustainability issues, implement best practices, and actively engage the community on these topics. Engage and educate customers with this sustainability information, where applicable.
Not sell or promote souvenirs which contain threatened flora and fauna species as indicated in the CITES treaty and the IUCN ‘Red List’; historic and archaeological artefacts (except as permitted by law).
Environment and Biodiversity
The supplier will endeavour to reduce impact on the environment and biodiversity by minimizing plastic use, conserving water and energy, managing waste efficiently and, where possible, use renewable energy. We encourage suppliers to disclose this information and to set reduction targets.
We have strong emission reduction targets in place in accordance with our Climate Action Plan, and in order to achieve this we rely on accurate data from key partners like you. We therefore kindly encourage accommodation suppliers to measure and share their carbon emissions data with us. We can help with this, please see resources below.
Where possible, offer the most sustainable and low-emission transport option possible (taking into consideration comfort, practicality and price).
We encourage the supplier to do it's utmost to not offer excursions that harm plants, animals, ecosystems or natural resources.
We encourage the supplier to consider sustainability in their catering offerings, including reducing the use of carbon intensive foods, sourcing produce locally and not offering red-listed species on menus.
Animal Welfare
Wildlife species are not harvested, consumed, displayed, sold, or traded, except as part of a regulated activity that ensures that their utilisation is sustainable and in compliance with local, national and international law.
Excursions or attractions that involve captive wildlife and/or domestic and working animals (including Sled Dogs and Reindeer), are properly regulated and in compliance with applicable local, national, and international laws. Furthermore, any disturbance of natural ecosystems is minimised.
We ask that suppliers adhere to strict animal welfare standards. All captive animals (wildlife/domestic/working) must be kept humanely with suitable housing and food according to the five freedoms of animal rights:
Freedom from hunger and thirst: Animals should have access to fresh water and food to maintain their health
Freedom from discomfort: Animals should have a comfortable resting area and shelter
Freedom from pain, injury, and disease: Animals should be prevented from getting sick or injured, and treated quickly if they are
Freedom from fear and distress: Animals should be treated to prevent mental suffering
Freedom to express normal behaviours: Animals should have enough space, facilities, and the company of other animals
We encourage suppliers to obtain environmental certificates that include animal welfare requirements (such as Green Key, Sustainable Travel Finland, Travelife for Accommodations). If not, then we encourage suppliers to align their own animal welfare policies with recognised animal welfare codes of conduct which are species-specific (resources below).
Engagement, Enforcement and Code Communication
To effectively uphold the principles of this Code of Conduct, we ask our suppliers to involve employees, management, and stakeholders in its implementation. We also encourage them to promote and maintain these principles throughout their supply chain.
If there is clear evidence that an excursion supplier compromises the provision or integrity of essential services for neighbouring communities, such as food, water, energy, healthcare, or land, this may be grounds for terminating the partnership.
Further Resources
Sustainability at 50 Degrees North
Our Sustainability Policy | Our Climate Action Plan | Sustainability Overview | Latest Impact Report
Measuring your Carbon Footprint
We are committed to reducing carbon emissions across our business. To achieve this, we rely on accurate emissions data from our supply chain. If you already have this, then we kindly ask our suppliers to share this information with us. If not, then to make this process easy we have partnered with a carbon consultancy that can do this for you. This service is quick (15 mins), free, and simple to use. Get started here: Ecollective Carbon Calculator. This data will be automatically supplied to us.
Animal Welfare
We recognise that animal welfare can be complex in the Nordics, and that codes of conduct should be species-specific to allow for the needs of that species and the environment they are in. To the best of our knowledge, these are the most widely accepted and/or advanced animal welfare best practice guidelines for our collective regions. We have limited these to the majority of animal excursions within our supply chain (namely; sled dogs, reindeer and whale watching). We welcome feedback on this topic.
General animal welfare and further information on the ‘Five Freedoms of Animal Rights’:
ABTA basic animal welfare and unacceptable practices
Sled Dogs and Reindeers:
Mush with Pride (Universal guidelines for Sled Dogs)
Green Key Activitities (Finland; Reindeer and Sled Dogs)
Whale Watching:
IceWhale Code of Conduct (Iceland)
Norwhale (Norway)